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LOTR Package Update (Page 7)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by alan_manc:
I love how you've re-edited the Osgiliath Invaded video to include Gandalf/Pippin arriving at Gondor.I noticed a long time ago that one of the making of documentaries on the ROTK EE set has a shot from behind as Gandalf looks at Minas Tirith. The camera then turns with him as he sees Faramir and his men retreating from Osgiliath. If I can find it and edit something together, I'll put it up on youtube with the music
. That is unless of course Jim, you beat me to it!<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
It's true thx Jim
but "Minas Morgul" remains to be displayed
like it is !!for the balcony scene I think there are about 30" of silence after the Cross-Roads scene/music and there are still 14/15 " to place, why not the music may be starting again when the Chief pirate appears...
PJ[Message edited by dambedir on 11-22-2007]
[Message edited by dambedir on 11-22-2007]
posted 11-22-2007 06:38 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Hi all
[Message edited by dambedir on 11-30-2007]
posted 11-22-2007 08:09 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
I Think the nuter are provided[Message edited by dambedir on 11-30-2007]
posted 11-23-2007 10:06 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I don't know, the balcony scene doesn't sound quite right. Maybe the scene was recut after the score was recorded.Btw, it's the DEEP breath before the plunge
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-23-2007]
posted 11-23-2007 10:17 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
I don't know, the balcony scene doesn't sound quite right. Maybe the scene was recut after the score was recorded.Btw, it's the DEEP breath before the plunge
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-23-2007]
THX for "DEEP"posted 11-23-2007 10:33 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
YIKES! Mine arrived today, and I knew it was time to be worried when the box was rattling. I opened it up, and lo and behold... my DVD is off the nub and cracked down the center.Time for a replacement, methinks.
posted 11-23-2007 03:55 PM PT (US) joan hue
Standard Userer
In today's USA TODAY, there were gift recommendations
including soundtracks for The Complete Recordings
of The Lord Of The Rings. The review included the following
statement. "Frills: the fifth disc is DVD-Audio with
several types of hi-res surround sound. New artwork and liner
notes by author Doug Adams."Congratulations of Doug Adams for being mentioned
in a nation-wide newspaper.posted 11-23-2007 06:27 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by joan hue:
In today's USA TODAY, there were gift recommendations
including soundtracks for The Complete Recordings
of The Lord Of The Rings. The review included the following
statement. "Frills: the fifth disc is DVD-Audio with
several types of hi-res surround sound. New artwork and liner
notes by author Doug Adams."Congratulations of Doug Adams for being mentioned
in a nation-wide newspaper.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>The Achievement of all* the Lord of the Rings - Films - Musics/complete recordings . completly great from the beginning to the end (10 hours of Music) thank for all those who taking part in this, Thank for Doug Adams thus (*Not all in fact he would appears there will be some rarities.. unbroadcasted at this time..).
OtherWise... The DVD is a DVD like an other.
I mean the DVD is playable in all the DVD player. it is not a special format as the SACD or the DVD-AUDIO playable on only a few number of player. I think it could be a mistake saying that is a dvd-audio: it's (just) a dvd like an other in which the main content is to be listened.[Message edited by dambedir on 11-23-2007]
posted 11-23-2007 06:54 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,Thank you all so much for the kind words. I’m really quite touched. Anyone that gets to make other people happy while living out their own dreams is a lucky man indeed!
While the release of ROTK is not without a sense of closure, more than anything it means that I’m going to switch into a higher gear. The book is the main event now, and that’s going to be quite a demanding project. Even now I’m finding it more difficult to swing around the web to address questions.
I’m quite well-aware that this thread is an unstoppable behemoth, and I’m still planning to check in from time to time. But in order to localize my efforts, I’m going to concentrate most of the updates on a new “author’s blog” I’ve established.
http://themusicofthelordoftheringsfilms.blogspot.com/I think *most* of the technical kinks are worked out at this point, but we’ll hit a few more as we go.
I’ve already thanked Peter privately, but I want to do so publically as well. Without his generosity, these enormous threads would never have taken root here. I’ve certainly enjoyed the back-and-forth and sense of community he’s established, and hope the new site can emulate it. If you’re still holding off on your ROTK purchase (get a move on!), make sure you keep Peter’s generosity in mind when choosing a vendor.
That said, please take a few moments and check out the new blog. I think you’ll find some great new possibilities over there… I’m certainly excited to kick the tires and see what the blog can do.
Talk soon!
-Doug Adams
posted 11-23-2007 10:38 PM PT (US) Jason
Standard Userer
Doug,Thanks so much for everything you've done for these releases and all the questions you've answered in these threads.
Also, your liners are so wonderful. One part of ROTK I never understood was why The Grey Havens theme was blasted when Sam says "I cannot carry the ring, but I can carry you!" and lifts Frodo up on his shoulders. I didn't get why one of the Hobbit/Shire themes, or even the Fellowship of the Ring theme, wasn't used there.
But then in your annotated score you say "Sam's gift to Frodo, his strength, determination and resolve will, alone, allow Frodo to be free of the Ring. But it is an act of self-sacrifice at least equal to Frodo's - Sam knows that, one way or the other, he will lose Frodo."
I had never thought of it that way before. Shore does a great job of scoring the emotions and themes of the movies rather than just providing music for the on-screen action. Brilliant stuff.
Can't wait to read the whole book!
posted 11-23-2007 11:38 PM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Standard Userer
Has anyone had the time (or attention span!) to sit down and listen to all 3 sets yet?I'm a part time student, so one Sundays when I have an essay due, I hope to put on the whole thing, not so much to listen to, but to help pass the time and keep me focused with little promises to myself like, "I can break for lunch when Frodo meets Faramir," something like that.
For the record, my copy is still on it's way, somewhere between Intrada's offices and Korea. Could be here Monday, fingers crossed!
The blog looks great Doug, thanks again for not only all your work, but the extra efforts to keep us all informed!
[Message edited by CaptPorridge on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 01:35 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I think the blog is a terrific idea and I've been 'waiting' for it or it's like for some time so I could 'promote' you on my site. You've been such an asset to the community at large... so generous. Thanks for everything.
posted 11-24-2007 07:02 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Awesome blog Doug...I will be there regularly over the next year!Quick question: what is the choir singing right before Liv Tyler's voice comes in during "Houses of Healing"?
posted 11-24-2007 07:14 AM PT (US) Wedge
Standard Userer
weyhoops: Per Doug's earlier post, questions of this kind (that is, questions addressed directly to Doug) are more likely to be answered if posted in the "Ongoing Discussion" entry on the new blog.Look at it this way -- in terms of using the blog to ask questions, I think you'd be the first!
posted 11-24-2007 09:05 AM PT (US) PeterK
But in a sense, that outlook essentially kills this thread. If that's what Doug is aiming for, so be it, but in reality, I think this thread has, at its core, thrived because people ask questions (whether directly to Doug or not) and a great many others answer, or at least try to answer. I can't imagine this thread if questions were urged to go elsewhere (except those that ask Doug what his favorite color is!). If you like what's going on here, post your question in both places. If you want to pick up camp here and move out, that's fine too. I enjoyed being a part of this. Unfortunately I won't be moving on, though, as I am tied to this place. "Bon voyage" if that is what is! It's been a pleasure hosting this.
posted 11-24-2007 02:40 PM PT (US) Wedge
Standard Userer
D'oh! Sorry, Pete ... this is what comes of super-quick posts at work. In speed-reading mode, I failed to appreciate that the query wasn't necessarily aimed ONLY at Doug. I have no doubt the questioning/discussion on this momentous thread will continue to roll merrily along. I, for one, will certainly not be tuning out![Message edited by Wedge on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 03:33 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Mr Kelly, I think you've misinterpreted Doug's intent with his blog. Why should he want to "kill" (dramatic language alert!) something he's been (a) so instrumental in creating in the first place and (b) clearly been enjoying a lot?You've shot a bit over the finish line, I think.
posted 11-24-2007 04:17 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
So does anyone know the answer to my question? I really like that choir bit, and it sounds pretty different than anything else in the trilogy. At first, I thought it was part of "Arwen's Song", but since there is no mention of it in the lyrics or the Annotated Score section for "Houses of Healing", I'm not exactly sure.[Message edited by weyhoops on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 04:29 PM PT (US) alan_manc
Standard Userer
Finally got my set this morning! Had a slight panic attack when I heard rattling coming from inside the package. Turns out the DVD had come loose but no damage done.
I'd like to take this time to add my thanks to all the others. Doug Adams, Howard Shore and everyone else involved can and should be extremely proud of this achievement. Not only have you proven that we don’t have to wait 20 or more years for a complete release, but also that these things can be done with a care, passion, attention to detail and a sense of class that is, sadly, rare.
Once again, a very big thank you to all concerned!
posted 11-24-2007 05:24 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
... The DVD is a DVD like an other.
I mean the DVD is playable in all the DVD player. it is not a special format as the SACD or the DVD-AUDIO playable on only a few number of player. I think it could be a mistake saying that is a dvd-audio: it's (just) a dvd like an other in which the main content is to be listened.Dambedir, all DVD-Audio discs contain program material to make compatible with DVD-Video equipment. You just have to have a DVD-Audio player to hear the Advanced Resolution tracks, otherwise you're stuck with a relatively anemic Dolby Digital track.
I'll say this though... DVD-Audio seems to otherwise be a pretty moribund format at this point, but even if nothing else I liked had been released in the medium (which is not the case, there are several great albums available, not least of which is the Stromberg/Morgan The Adventures of Robin Hood) the LOTR CR sets would have more than made that purchase worthwhile.
[Message edited by Swashbuckler on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 05:24 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Christian, I don't think Peter was saying that Doug's blog will kill this thread. He was saying if we stopped asking any questions here (for the general community to discuss/answer) *that* would kill the thread. And he's right. If we all just stop discussing anything here amongst ourselves and only go to Doug's blog and ask him, this thread will only be chitchat.Sometimes I think some people are more focused on answers than discussion. Answers are good but the discussion is what fuels my interest. And sometimes, an answer from what is deemed to be the authority effectively stops discussion.
posted 11-24-2007 06:10 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Swashbuckler:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>... The DVD is a DVD like an other.
I mean the DVD is playable in all the DVD player. it is not a special format as the SACD or the DVD-AUDIO playable on only a few number of player. I think it could be a mistake saying that is a dvd-audio: it's (just) a dvd like an other in which the main content is to be listened.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Dambedir, all DVD-Audio discs contain program material to make compatible with DVD-Video equipment. You just have to have a DVD-Audio player to hear the Advanced Resolution tracks, otherwise you're stuck with a relatively anemic Dolby Digital track.
I'll say this though... DVD-Audio seems to otherwise be a pretty moribund format at this point, but even if nothing else I liked had been released in the medium (which is not the case, there are several great albums available, not least of which is the Stromberg/Morgan The Adventures of Robin Hood) the LOTR CR sets would have more than made that purchase worthwhile.
[Message edited by Swashbuckler on 11-24-2007]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Anyway the DVD work with the common DVD player like another and 48KHz/24bit are the parameter of all the DVD !!! (sometime 48Khz/16bit (maybe)) !!! so what is the difference unless it is how the inside structure is made : the Same image while sereral minutes/hours : TTT&FOTR/ROTK, for a main content of audio file (AC-3/ Dolby digital (same thing)).
Nevertheless it's an
advanced resolution the cd is 44,4 KHZ stereo PCM (about 600 KHz for the bitrate)and dolby digital is
both 3 stereo chanels (front speakers + surround speakers + central and subwoofer)
and each chanels are mastered especially.
I could say 3 x 448khz stereo (not sure)[Message edited by dambedir on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 07:47 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Doug can gathered the questions he will answers (the question and the answers) and post them here after.so we can in the same time posted ours questions here and in the blog ! why not !
so My last questions For Doug Adams :
about the (last) podcast :
Dambedir said...
i am french and if I am able to read and to write (about to.. maybe) I am not really able to listen a english/american talking: Thus I was wondering if it's possible to have a written transcript of the podcast and even of all the podcast?Maybe a summary of them with only the main questions and subjects with the mere answering (but exhaustive nevertheless) for what is really worth in the meaning and for the found out, could be enough and of course, what is in the A.S. yet have no need to be repeated.
THX anyway.
November 24, 2007 12:11 AM
Doug Adams said...
This is a very good idea. I don't know that I'd personally have the time to do it, however. Anyone out there interested in becoming the Official Unofficial Podcast Annotator? Drop me a line.-Doug
In :
Ongoing Discussion Thread [Nov, 2007]
http://themusicofthelordoftheringsfilms.blogspot.com/2007/11/ongoing-discussion-thread-nov-2007.htmlDambedir said...
In the same category than bram's question :Is there a song at the end of the "Fellowship Reunited" beginning at 10:31 !!
Is this Humming ?
Is this related to the Humming (if this is humming) who seems to be related to the cycle of the End "grey havens" theme
Or/and (maybe) is this related to the Humming (??) of Bag End we hear in FOTR-CR "Very Old friend" disc 1 TRACK 4 and "Keep it Secret Keep it Safe" disc 1 track 7* ?
quoted in the A.S.
November 24, 2007 9:23 PM
posted 11-24-2007 08:57 PM PT (US) tjguitar
Standard Userer
Was ROTK a limited edition?Amazon.comand Amazon.co.uk have no more copies apparently.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000V6BE6Mposted 11-24-2007 09:14 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Originally posted by tjguitar:
Was ROTK a limited edition?Amazon.comand Amazon.co.uk have no more copies apparently.
I was not far from the truth less than one week after the release the first batch of amazon is sold out...
Nevertheless it's still available at barne and nobles for the international futur customers and here at MovieMusicdotcom for the american customers !! (I think)
posted 11-24-2007 09:31 PM PT (US) tjguitar
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by dambedir:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by tjguitar:
[b]Was ROTK a limited edition?Amazon.comand Amazon.co.uk have no more copies apparently.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000V6BE6M <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>!!!!
I was not far from the truth less than one week after the release the first batch of amazon is sold out...
Nevertheless it's still available at barne and nobles for the international futur customers and here at MovieMusicdotcom for the american customers !! (I think)
[/B]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
MovieMusic and Intrada are both out of stock. SAe apparently has some. Deepdiscount says "not in stock, will ship on 11/28/07". Very interesting.
[Message edited by tjguitar on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 09:37 PM PT (US) PeterK
Only out of stock. FOTR and TT complete editions are still in stock, ROTK will be no different. But like previous years, these box sets cleared initial production runs like wild fire. ROTK's not been out for a week now and everything manufactured initially is literally gone (well, in many if your hands!). Back to the plant, and quick!Same thing happened last year with TT, although I believe it took quite a while to get the second pressing completed. This is the time of the year where the security guy at the plant tells everyone (no matter what bigwig label dude you are, no matter how soon you need it because of Christmas deadlines) to "get to the back of the line!"
posted 11-24-2007 09:41 PM PT (US) tjguitar
Standard Userer
Ah okay. barnesandnoble.com apparently still has some. Or at least they aren't revealing that they have run out.[Message edited by tjguitar on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 09:50 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Standard Userer
Magpie said something earlier about putting in the movies and just listening to them. And that's a great idea. Yesterday I hooked my dvd player up to some big honkin' speakers (just speakers, no TV) and wow, just wow. Just close your eyes and imagine the scene yourself. I actually felt as if I was in the movie, instead of just watching it
posted 11-24-2007 10:02 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
I was thinking amazon was plunded by the oversea customer because amazon is a well know and popular seller-market through the world (ROTK-CR is a only for sale in USA) !it's maybe true for "barnes and noble" internet shop still have it though it's more expensive there since some weeks : $63
it could be another explanation.But the nutest are provided I think..... and Hope
[Message edited by dambedir on 11-24-2007]
posted 11-24-2007 10:32 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I know you've asked Doug and I hope he answers you. He's not been so forthcoming on specific lyrics as I might wish. But then I haven't wanted to ask him much since I know how busy he is.
Originally posted by weyhoops:
Quick question: what is the choir singing right before Liv Tyler's voice comes in during "Houses of Healing"?If you're interested in what I've figured out you can visit this thread: http://z15.invisionfree.com/A_Magpies_Nest/index.php?showtopic=42
posted 11-24-2007 10:43 PM PT (US) Ralo
Non-Standard Userer
6 hours until the LotR Symphony starts here in Sweden. I just can't wait!
In a swedish interview with Howard Shore he says: "We will have time to practise two times. It will be interesting."
It makes me kind of nervous to read that... Sounds like my old teacher everytime something was really unprepared.
I know the guys playing are professionals but what I am mostly concerned about is the choir: students in my own age all the way!
Fingers crossed, you will have a small review from me afterwards, I promise!
posted 11-25-2007 04:06 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Originally posted by dambedir:
Is there a song at the end of the "Fellowship Reunited" beginning at 10:31 !!Is this Humming ?
Is this related to the Humming (if this is humming) who seems to be related to the cycle of the End "grey havens" theme
Or/and (maybe) is this related to the Humming (??) of Bag End we hear in FOTR-CR "Very Old friend" disc 1 TRACK 4 and "Keep it Secret Keep it Safe" disc 1 track 7* ?
Dambedir, to me it sounds like the choir is just wordlessly (no texts) humming the harmonies to the Shire theme (Hymn setting, I think?).
posted 11-25-2007 02:08 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Oh yes, the boy choir is humming the hymn setting of the Shire theme!
It's one of those little piece I was very much looking forward to!
posted 11-25-2007 03:02 PM PT (US) tjguitar
Standard Userer
Someone at filmtracks said there's going to be another box set with rarities.....wow.
How is there more stuff that didn't make the "Complete Recordings" sets? Is that somewhere in the last 1000 pages of posts?posted 11-25-2007 03:23 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by weyhoops:
[b]Quick question: what is the choir singing right before Liv Tyler's voice comes in during "Houses of Healing"?<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>I know you've asked Doug and I hope he answers you. He's not been so forthcoming on specific lyrics as I might wish. But then I haven't wanted to ask him much since I know how busy he is.If you're interested in what I've figured out you can visit this thread: http://z15.invisionfree.com/A_Magpies_Nest/index.php?showtopic=42 [/B]
Thanks for the link Magpie!I don't know why I'm so interested in that short choir bit. I find it heartachingly beautiful and just...different. So I was a little dismayed to see no "official" mention of it anywhere.
posted 11-25-2007 03:59 PM PT (US) ruckus
Standard Userer
Well the CR situation in the Ireland/UK region is pretty dire. The set can't be got anywhere.I know that Doug has said the first batch has sold out but overall I'm really surprised how little distribution there seems to be outside of the U.S.
It's not looking good for getting it this side of Christmas.
posted 11-25-2007 04:26 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Originally posted by tjguitar:
Someone at filmtracks said there's going to be another box set with rarities.....wow.
How is there more stuff that didn't make the "Complete Recordings" sets? Is that somewhere in the last 1000 pages of posts?Since the middle of December, I've been reposting information Doug has posted here at two other forums. At one (TheOneRing.net) I make a new thread if the old one is off the first page. (threads don't get bumped) At the other, (imdb) I've kept the info in one thread. To read that, go here. I can't say all the info re: the rarities disc is there but it's easier than combing through page after page. I think the posts here have a little more detail as to what the project entails. I kept the reposts to general info only.
You can also go to TORn's forum and run a search for the string 'doug adams' and all posts made by Magpie.
Here, if I want to find something, I usually use google's site search rather than the search function found here at moviemusic. Google lets me see some of the text as a preview.
posted 11-25-2007 05:35 PM PT (US) tjguitar
Standard Userer
Thanks magpie the wealth of info in this thread is amazing. Are none of you guys interested in other music besides Shore/LOTR?Anyway, found this in one of your IMDB posts:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>
Just to stave off any uncontrolled rumor mongering, there will no box-set of alternates. <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>So I guess there ISN'T going to be another box set, but maybe a disc or 2? Interesting.
BTW magpie, your website is great as well. Your passion for these scores is awesome....I could spend hours just reading the site.[Message edited by tjguitar on 11-25-2007]
posted 11-25-2007 05:47 PM PT (US) Blue Dude
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by dambedir:
Anyway the DVD work with the common DVD player like another and 48KHz/24bit are the parameter of all the DVD !!! (sometime 48Khz/16bit (maybe)) !!! so what is the difference unless it is how the inside structure is made : the Same image while sereral minutes/hours : TTT&FOTR/ROTK, for a main content of audio file (AC-3/ Dolby digital (same thing)).
Nevertheless it's an
advanced resolution the cd is 44,4 KHZ stereo PCM (about 600 KHz for the bitrate)and dolby digital is
both 3 stereo chanels (front speakers + surround speakers + central and subwoofer)
and each chanels are mastered especially.
I could say 3 x 448khz stereo (not sure)[Message edited by dambedir on 11-24-2007]
Well, this is kind of a mishmash of truth and the other stuff so let's start over. All DVD's are authored with two sets of data, DVD-Video and DVD-Audio. For most DVD's the DVD-Audio folder is empty. If the DVD-Audio folder contains content, it should also contain DVD-Video content, at least enough to play the disc, whether it has true program material or not.
The LOTR CR DVD's contain both kinds of content, and they were kind enough to author the discs so that you can play the entire CR using either DVD-Video or DVD-Audio. However, the DVD-Audio content consumes most of the disc, since it has much more information and therefore quality.
The DVD-Video side contains the CR encoded in Dolby Digital 2.0 and 5.1. These are lossy formats, meaning that the encoder throws out some information that it doesn't think you'll need in order to save space. Even so, the DD 2.0 track may approach CD quality since the bit rate is high enough and the DD codec is actually pretty good. All channels have a sample rate of 48kHz, which is comparable to Redbook CD's (44.1kHz). The DD 5.1 bitrate isn't as high for each channel but it makes up for it in presenting a pleasing enveloping sound mix.
DVD-Audio is something else entirely. It is usually Packed PCM (PPCM), which is a lossless format. The LOTR CR's are presented at a sample rate of 48Khz again, which is unchanged, but the presentation is lossless. No data is lost in the process, which is why the files are so huge even after compression. You're essentially listening to the master tape that the engineers used to mix the recording. Due to the way the material is compressed, the bit rate is variable, but much higher than the DD bitrate, with a max of 9.6 Mbps, vs 448 kbps for DD. Though comparing a PCM bitrate to a DD bitstream bitrate is kind of apples to oranges, it does give you an idea of the data density involved.
It's the difference between a pristine 10 megapixel digital photo and downrezzed 500 kB jpeg. You can see that they are the same photo but one is the original in all of its clarity and the other is a degraded copy. The copy might be good, but it's not as good as the original. Given the option, listen to the original.
posted 11-25-2007 06:15 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB