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THE INCREDIBLE HULK by Craig Armstrong (Page 2)
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Topic: THE INCREDIBLE HULK by Craig Armstrong
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Originally posted by Jeron:
That's great to hear, Dan. Is it basically a reboot? Doesn't acknowledge "HULK" at all? Just curious. I never saw it.Yup - a complete reboot. Nothing to do with the first film except the character(s) and producers.
posted 06-12-2008 04:19 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
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I've also read that the DVD/Blu releases will contain about 70 minutes of cut movie. Hope they do it seamless branching.Jeron, the Hulk set from Amazon are CD-Rs?
posted 06-12-2008 04:49 PM PT (US) TimT
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Yeah they are CD-Rs, but everything else seems high production though.Hey would'nt it be cool if in addition to being CD-Rs, that they were made from the MP3s also availible to purchase. !
[Message edited by TimT on 06-12-2008]
posted 06-12-2008 07:11 PM PT (US) rkeaveney
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Crono/Kyp:Jeron, the Hulk set from Amazon are CD-Rs?
--Brian<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yes, yes they are. It's only been stated here and at FSM. Sheesh!
How about we talk about the actual music? I'm in love with the disc 2 "Hulk Theme". Craig Armstrong in his wheelhouse!
[Message edited by rkeaveney on 06-12-2008]
posted 06-12-2008 09:08 PM PT (US) tjguitar
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I saw the film. I didn't think the music was that spectacular, though it was cool to hear the original Harnell theme.
posted 06-13-2008 05:16 PM PT (US) Quill
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Very impressed with the film. I had been very worried heading into the summer. The pacing is excellent and I was actually able to associate with the characters and felt for their plight.In the film, I enjoyed Armstrong's score over Elfman's, though I cannot be certain if that was do to being more engaged by the film or the music itself.
Anyway, it took everything that worked from the first film and added a level of intensity lacking from Ang Lee's incarnation.
I know there was some contention over the cut of the film (previously mentioned how mcuh footage was cut), and Norton was not pleased. I will reserve judgment, but if the producers were going for a lean film that still retained solid character value...they succeeded.
posted 06-15-2008 05:01 PM PT (US) Al
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I thought the score was classy. Not as striking or memorable as Elfman's Herrmannesque version, but it did support the film well and give the emotional scenes more impact without coming off as treacly. I haven't heard the score away from the movie, but I doubt you'd be able to tell it's even for a superhero movie--and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
posted 06-15-2008 05:38 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
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Good movie! I really enjoyed it. I felt the music worked just fine in the movie.Rumor has it the 70 minutes that were cut are gonna end up on the DVD. This movie had a lot more meat ton it before Uni gutted it. But they still left something very watchable. Can't wait to see the cut stuff!
posted 06-16-2008 03:23 AM PT (US) rkeaveney
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First it's "good" and then it's "gutted"? Frankly cutting the film down was what saved this film. Had they released a bloated version suffocating the action sequences audiences would have been reciting the old "fool me once..." (and not the George Bush version). The theatrical cut is lean, but still features enough human drama to keep it from getting stupid. The result is a film that delivers much more than IRON MAN did.
posted 06-16-2008 12:29 PM PT (US) nuts_score
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I agree Ryan.
posted 06-16-2008 12:55 PM PT (US) SEBULBA
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The score is growing on me. I actually like the theme. It's so simple, but the 3 note motif with the sliding strings, it just says something about the Hulk. Kind of menacing, big, lumbering. To me, it just really conveys the character of the Hulk.
posted 06-16-2008 05:40 PM PT (US) scoreguy16
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Originally posted by Crono/Kyp:
Good movie! I really enjoyed it. I felt the music worked just fine in the movie.Rumor has it the 70 minutes that were cut are gonna end up on the DVD. This movie had a lot more meat ton it before Uni gutted it. But they still left something very watchable. Can't wait to see the cut stuff!
Ahem, the rumor is that the 70 minutes will end up on the Blu-Ray and not the DVD release. And I pray they don't add 70 minutes of crap back into the movie as they said some of it is just terrible.
But Ryan is right, it's like all those crap extended DVD's they put out. They almost always change the pace for the worse and are pointless. I certainly can't imagine this film being like Kingdom of Heaven where it needs the director's cut.
posted 06-16-2008 05:40 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB