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Blockbuster Sucks.
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Topic: Blockbuster Sucks.
Standard Userer
Blockbuster claims that I failed to return a DVD. They are in error. That's bad, but it happens. They are rude and inefficient, which is avoidable and inexcusable.I encourage you to get your videos from somewhere else than Blockbuster. I'll happily go across town to a good store.
If my complaint inspires you to cut up your Blockbuster card in front of an especially clueless clerk, please let me know. If you want to tell this particular store that you heard that they are circus clowns but not funny like circus clowns, their number is 206 522 0397. (Don't bother asking for the manager, he may not even exist.)
You can call Kristi at 206 568 2100. She's a middle level manager of some sort. You can also call 206 748 0800 and leave a message at their district office.
It would be swell if you could take a moment to pass this along to your video renting friends. Don't encourage the corporate entity that has created this slackerly and cynical environment.
posted 06-04-2002 07:22 PM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Dude, I stopped going in there when I couldn't find movies in widescreen DVD.I agree, they suck.
posted 06-04-2002 08:06 PM PT (US) Beatty
Standard Userer
The only reason I ever went in there int he first place is because it's convenient to my girlfriend's house and she wanted to go there and ... it's just so painful! I knew they sucked and I went anyway! It's my own fault for letting my guard down!
posted 06-04-2002 08:21 PM PT (US) Ace
Standard Userer
I totally agree. Blockbuster doesn't care about its customers. I haven't gone there in a couple of years for two reasons: 1) I BUY all my movies on DVD so I have no need to rent 2) and they're always out of the movies that I want (not new releases).Even though I haven't been there in a while, they still send me worthless coupons for "buy 5 get one free." I know they want my money, but irritating the customer is not going to get me into the store. Until they come up with a better approach, which they probably won't, I will continue to get my movies elsewhere.
I know some of you haven't had the same unfortunate experiences with Blockbuster, but believe me, you will. And if any of you happen to work at Blockbuster, I mean no disrespect to you personally.
NP-The Lost World (Williams)
posted 06-04-2002 08:33 PM PT (US) Lou Goldberg
Standard Userer
Not just that, but Blacklister, I mean Blockbuster wouldn't carry a lot of titles because their content is "objectionable" and I'm not talking porn but some regular movies with scenes or themes they consider against family values. I've seen some of that stuff show up in the local store anyway, so maybe they've gone back on their older policy, but it may also be because the Ann Arbor market is off the beaten track to begin with and other stores have stronger gatekeeping policies.
posted 06-04-2002 08:42 PM PT (US) JJH
Standard Userer
I just rented three DVDs from Blockbastard.
All are in widescreen.but my particular store is extremely limited in the titles they carry. I much prefer Hollywood Video, but they're a bit farther away.
NP -- Joe Versus the Volcano, Georges Delerueposted 06-04-2002 09:57 PM PT (US) Beatty
Standard Userer
Follow the course of this foul-up at my web page.
posted 06-05-2002 10:19 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB